BEIJING -- Chinese and U.S. envoys will hold talks in January aimed at resolving a tariff battle, a Ministry of Commerce spokesman said Thursday.

Timing and other details are being worked out following discussions by phone about intellectual property protection, trade balances and other issues, said spokesman Gao Feng. He didn't respond to a question about a possible location.

Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agreed Dec. 1 to postpone more tariff hikes while the two sides negotiate over U.S. complaints that Beijing steals or pressures companies to hand over technology.

Trump agreed at that time to postpone a round of tariff hikes on $200 billion of Chinese imports planned for Jan. 1. On Friday, Beijing responded by announcing a 90-day postponement on imposing a 25-per cent duty on imported U.S. vehicles.

"Both sides have taken the initiative to release positive signals," said Gao.