MONTREAL - Four more women who were assaulted or allegedly assaulted by ex-national ski coach Bertrand Charest when they were younger have obtained the right to be identified by name.

The former skiers are Emilie Cousineau, Katie Bertram, Allison Forsyth and Gillian McFetridge.

Charest was convicted last June of sexually assaulting Cousineau.

In the case of the three other women, he was either acquitted of the charges or had them tossed out by the court because of jurisdictional issues.

Their move comes a day after Genevieve Simard, Gail Kelly, Amelie-Frederique Gagnon and Anna Prchal told a news conference about the abuse they suffered at the hands of Charest when they were adolescents and he was their coach.

Charest, 53, was found guilty last June of 37 of the 57 sex-related charges he was facing, and was eventually given a 12-year prison term.