Casino Regina has cancelled an appearance by two comedians who drew criticism for comments they made at a Humboldt Broncos tribute event that some described as racist and inappropriate.

The casino says American comic duo Bruce Williams and Terry Ree will not appear May 24 due to "content concerns" from the Humboldt performance.

accounts said the decision was made by the casino. Refunds will be offered to ticket holders.

Williams and Ree, who call themselves "The Indian and the White Guy," served as hosts of the Humboldt Broncos memorial, which was billed as a night of healing in the wake of the tragic bus crash that killed 16 people.

But some concertgoers took issue with the pair's jokes, and criticized bits from the evening, which included an ill-timed "pow-wow" performance and a moment when Williams sang a song to Ree with the line "shake it for the Indian with the STDs."

The comedians posted an apology on Facebook to anyone who was offended by their routine, saying they failed to consider the emotional nature of the event.