The family of a Nova Scotia man hospitalized with terminal cancer in Calgary is hoping to raise funds to help grant his wish to spend his final days at home in the Maritimes.

Last November, Cameron Conrad was working in Grand Prairie, Alta., when his health deteriorated.

At first, doctors thought that the native of Lawrencetown Beach, N.S., had shingles. But after his pain worsened he went to the hospital in Grand Prairie, where was diagnosed with lung cancer.

The cancer has since spread to his bones, and now doctors say he may have just weeks or months left to live.

Conrad is now hospitalized in Calgary, but longs to return to Lawrencetown Beach, so that he can spend his final days at home.

"He looked me in the eyes and said, 'Lisa, I just want to come home and die,' and I said, 'We're going to do whatever we can to make that happen," Conrad's niece, Lisa Rehberg, told CTV Atlantic.

However, bringing Conrad across the country has proved challenging as he can't sit on a regular flight and getting him a special air transport would cost about $47,000.

"We could hire a nurse and bring him home, but he can't get out of bed at this point, he has to lay flat, so we have to have mediflight," said his sister Juanita Martin.

"It is not as easy as it seems emotionally, or financially."

The family has set up a , and as of Sunday afternoon it has raised nearly $29,000.

However, that still leaves them short $18,000.

Rehberg and Martin also attended a fundraiser for cancer-related causes in Nova Scotia on Sunday, hoping to attract more support for Conrad.

Roxann Lapierre, the event's organizer, said Conrad's wish has really struck a chord in the community.

"He's a great guy, I grew up with him since we were very small," said Lapierre.

"He's well-known in the community. He has a huge fan base here, (and) you know people are really trying to get him home, and they're doing what they can."

With a report from CTV Atlantic's Marie Adsett