A legally blind Winnipeg boy is seeing things in detail for the first time, thanks to high-tech glasses that are bringing the bubbly seven-year-old's world into focus.

Davin Bazylewski was born with optic nerve hypoplasia, an untreatable congenital condition marked by an underdeveloped optic nerve that typically causes continuous eye shaking and poor vision. In Davin’s case, he is completely blind in one eye and has poor vision in the other.

Earlier this year, Davin’s family heard about some high-tech glasses that might help. The eSight glasses, which resemble a virtual-reality headset, capture high-definition video and then optimize the images into an easily viewable format.

Davin tested out the glasses and loved them, but his family couldn’t afford the $10,000 price tag. So they and were astonished to find people they had never met were willing to pitch in to cover the costs.

David now uses the glasses to read, to watch his favourite TV shows, and to see little details all around him, such as stripes and textures.

"Oh, oh, I'm seeing something! I am seeing something," he says, while using the glasses at home.

With the new set of glasses a success, Davin’s family is confident the curious, outgoing seven-year-old will continue lighting up rooms and gaining even more independence.

With a report from CTV Winnipeg’s Michelle Gerwing