YARMOUTH, N.S. -- Twelve-year-old Josh Cochrane of Yarmouth, N.S., watched the news of a deadly shooting in Fredericton on Friday afternoon with a heavy heart.

He thought of the fear the responding officers must have felt, and the children of the victims whose parents wouldn't be around to tuck them in at night.

Cochrane wanted to do something to help comfort the grieving community, so he wrote and recorded a tribute song, to the tune of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah," called "A Police Hallelujah."

In the two days since his mother , the video has been viewed more than 300,000 times.

"I wanted the song to show the world their braveness and sacrifice they made to save others," Cochrane said.

"I believe music heals people, it helps you see from your heart, it helps bring calmness."

Cochrane said he has received responses from grieving people across the country, including a colleague of Const. Robb Costello and Const. Sara Mae Burns -- the two police officers killed -- saying Cochrane's song is helping him and his colleagues through the difficult time.

The young Canadian's message is just one of many shows of support from people who never knew the victims, but are still grieving with the small New Brunswick city.

Police forces across the country lowered flags to half-mast on Friday afternoon, while thousands of people posted on social media with the hashtag #FrederictonStrong.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited families and colleagues of the victims on Sunday afternoon, and told reporters his message to the families was one of solidarity in grief.

"When you have a whole community, and indeed a whole country, supporting you through terrible grief, it does make it a little bit easier -- not much easier, but a little bit easier," Trudeau said.

For Cochrane's part, he hopes his song will spread his belief that love and kindness are more powerful than anger and hate -- a lesson he learned when he lost someone close to him while that person was serving in Afghanistan.

"We have to stop losing lives to violence by changing the world one kind act at a time," Cochrane said.

From the comments he's received so far, he thinks he has achieved what he set out to do.

"I believe the song is doing what I hoped," Cochrane said.

"It has people talking, people knowing that it's not weak to speak about how they feel, it's important," he said.

"It is OK to not be OK sometimes. ... someone is always there to help them get through, and people do care, even if it is a kid."

-- By Nicole Thompson in Toronto and Holly McKenzie-Sutter in St. John's, N.L.

Josh wanted to do something in honor of those who lost their lives in the shootings in Fredericton today. So, he changed a few words and came up with this song. He may only be 12 but he has a huge heart. Well done Josh I am sure the families will know you are thinking of them even though your music cut out in the very end. <3 A Police Hallelujah by Josh Cochrane #itsnotweaktospeak #heroesarehuman #itsoktonotbeok Www.TEMA.CA if you just want to talk about what happened please know you're not alone. Look up TEMA an amazing group there is always someone ready to listen and guide you if you need or want help. #yourenotalone #ProudCanadiansDoProudThings

Posted by Ann Harrington on Friday, 10 August 2018