Voters in Alberta will soon be making an important decision: choosing the province’s next government.

The race has tightened considerably between the NDP, led by Rachel Notley, who is seeking re-election after serving one term as premier, and the United Conservative Party (UCP) led by Jason Kenney.

Kenney, a high-profile Conservative with more than 20 years’ experience in federal and provincial politics, and his party have been enjoying a healthy lead in multiple polls released since the writ dropped on March 19.

A week out from Election Day, commissioned by Alberta-based PR firm ThinkHQ, had voter intention for the UCP at 46 per cent, the NDP not far behind at 40 per cent, the Alberta Party at 8 per cent, and the Liberal Party at just 2 per cent.

Notley, Kenney and the other two leaders eyeing the premiership, Alberta Party Leader Stephen Mandel and Alberta Liberal Party Leader David Khan, have been touring the province to talk to potential voters. 

Unsurprisingly, the biggest issues that have come up on the campaign trail have been the economy, pipelines and jobs.

Alberta continues to have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country – currently at 6.9 per cent.

How the parties stack up

Each party has released documents outlining key policy planks. Here’s how the leaders and their platform promises stack up.

Rachel Notley


Party: NDP

Riding: Edmonton-Strathcona

Age: 54

Entered politics: 2008

Platform promises:

  • balance budget by 2023
  • $1.3 billion to upgrade 70 schools
  • ban gay conversion therapy

Full .

Stephen Mandel


Party: Alberta Party

Riding: Edmonton-McClung

Age: 73

Entered politics: 2001

Platform promises:

  • create 65,000 jobs
  • introduce all-in-one government ID card
  • require kids to have up-to-date immunizations in order to go to public schools

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David Khan


Party: Liberal Party

Riding: Calgary-Mountain View

Age: 44

Entered politics: 2014

Platform promises:

  • introduce an 8% HST
  • eliminate personal income tax
  • phase in a cap on classroom sizes

Full . 

Jason Kenney


Party: United Conservative Party

Riding: Calgary-Lougheed

Age: 50

Entered politics: 1997

Platform promises:

  • repeal the carbon tax
  • create 55,000 full-time jobs
  • invest $40 million over four years to deal with the opioid crisis

Full .

What else voters need to know

Election Day is Tuesday, April 16.

Advance polls are open from Tuesday, April 9 to Saturday, April 13.

To find the nearest poll, visit .