TORONTO - Premier Kathleen Wynne says the Liberal government has no plans to raise the $100,000 threshold for Ontario's so-called sunshine list of public sector workers.

and will provide salaries and benefits for tens of thousands of workers, including police, firefighters, nurses, teachers, librarians and civil servants.

The $100,000 limit for the sunshine list was set 20 years ago, but Wynne says that's still a lot of money for many people.

She says the threshold is "still relevant at that rate," which is why her government is leaving it there -- the same comments she made when last year's sunshine list was released.

There are usually thousands of workers in Ontario's electricity sector on the sunshine list, but the government removed Hydro One workers from the list when it started to privatize up to 60 per cent of the transmission agency.

Wynne denies the government is trying to bury the sunshine list by releasing it at the start of a four-day long weekend.