Regina Transit workers rescued a shivering puppy from the bitter cold after it was spotted in a city bus shelter.

Workers sprang into action on Wednesday, after a transit bus passenger told their driver they’d spotted the German shepherd-mix in an non-heated bus shelter.

The driver immediately called transit dispatch and transportation service officer Darren Zabbo responded to the call and tracked the dog down. Zabbo, a dog lover himself, knew that time was of the essence.

“Knowing how busy the humane society probably was going to be at that time, I knew I could get there before them,” Zabbo told CTV Regina. “I made my way to the shelter … and sure enough, there was the dog shivering and shaking on the ground.”

He wrapped the cold pooch in his fleece jacket before frostbite could set in.

The Regina Humane Society arrived approximately 10 minutes later and picked up the puppy. The humane society later confirmed its owner had claimed the dog.

They’re warning dog owners to always keep an eye on their pets and make sure they’re inside and out of the cold. And if dogs need to be let out to relieve themselves, owners should make sure to promptly let them back in.

Regina Transit posted about the rescue on and – the latter was shared over 1,300 times and received over 34,000 reactions.

“Yesterday we indicated ‘everyone’ should be safe from the harsh elements of this cold snap, which includes our furry friends as well,” the post read.

Many have commented, commending all the people who didn’t turn a blind eye to the shivering puppy.