VANCOUVER -- A search is underway in Vancouver for a tiny, teacup poodle snatched from the shelter earlier this week.

Mickey weighs just over one kilogram and was being cared for at the society's kennel while recovering from giardia, a contagious intestinal infection.

SPCA spokeswoman Lorie Chortyk says the fluffy brown dog, along with five other teacup poodles, had been surrendered about two weeks ago by the owner after a complaint about their care.

Chortyk says Mickey was stolen when someone used bolt cutters to break through the outer gate of the shelter after it closed Tuesday and then cut through the kennel door to grab the dog.

There's concern that Mickey may not be getting adequate care for his condition and Chortyk says if anyone has seen the poodle or knows anything about the theft, they should contact the society or Vancouver police.

Adoptions had already been arranged for all the poodles and Chortyk says Mickey's new owner was scheduled to pick him up on Wednesday.