DAVOS, Switzerland - The environment must be at the centre of the next U.S. presidential election campaign, Premier Jean Charest insisted Wednesday.

"I believe that in regards to climate change, the American people have shown they are more concerned about the issue than their federal government,'' Charest said during an aside at an international economic forum in Switzerland.

Charest said he was heartened by overtures this week from U.S. President George W. Bush, who has so far refused to adhere to the Kyoto protocol on greenhouse gas emissions.

In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, Bush acknowledged the challenge posed by climate change and proposed a greater emphasis on the use of alternative fuels as one strategy.

But, citing the urgency of the situation, Charest said greater efforts must be made to convince the Americans to come onside in the fight over climate change.

"I sincerely hope that there will be a serious debate on this question during the presidential election campaign,'' Charest said, suggesting that critics of the U.S. stance had forced Bush to soften his position during the address.

The premier said he intends to continue to press the matter with his neighbours to the south.

Charest said the U.S. must be part of the solution because it would be impossible for the rest of the world to realize climate change solutions without it.

"The Americans must be involved because they have the capacity for research and development, because they have the financial resources and because they are emitters of greenhouse gases,'' he said.

"Quebec has played a leadership role on the environment and we have the right to demand others do their part, because it's urgent,'' he said.

Charest said countries are beginning to use market mechanisms to get rid of greenhouse gases.

"But simultaneously on an issue that's a lot smaller but comparable, the reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions, S02 emissions, there has been successful implementations of tradable permits that demonstrates that a system like this one can work if it's done correctly and with certain conditions.

"And the first condition is that there has to be clear objectives.''