class App { constructor() { this.excerptArray = [] this.displayArray = [] this.topicArray = []; } load() { d3.csv('').then(data => { data.forEach(d => { new Excerpt(d.Phrase, d.Date, d.sentence) this.topicArray.includes(d.Phrase) ? null : this.topicArray.push(d.Phrase) }) this.create() }) } create() { document.querySelectorAll('.speech-container').forEach(div => { let topic = div.dataset.phrase; new Display (topic, div, topic.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + topic.slice(1), topic) }) this.displayArray.forEach(display => display.create()) } } class Excerpt { constructor(id, date, excerpt) { = id; this.excerpt = excerpt; = date; myApp.excerptArray.push(this) } highlight(phrase) { let variations = [phrase, phrase.toLowerCase().split(' ').map(word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1)).join(' ')]; phrase.split(' ').forEach((word, i) => { let temp = phrase.split(' '); temp[i] = temp[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + temp[i].slice(1) variations.push(temp.join(' ')) }) let join = this.excerpt; variations.forEach(v => { let split = join.split(v); join = split.join(`${v}`) }) return `"${join}"`; } } class Display { constructor(id, parent, title, phrase) { this.parent = parent; = id; this.title = title; this.phrase = phrase; this.excerptArray = []; this.index = 0; myApp.displayArray.push(this) } get currentExcerpt() { return this.excerptArray[this.index] } create() { const parent = this.parent; if (!myApp.topicArray.includes(this.phrase)) { console.log(`No data for phrase: "${this.phrase}"`) return parent.remove() } myApp.excerptArray.forEach(excerpt => { if ( === { this.excerptArray.push(excerpt) } }) let titleContainer = make('div', parent, 'title-container') titleContainer.innerText = `"${this.title}"`; this.excerptContainer = make('div', parent, 'excerpt-container'); this.excerptCount = make('div', this.excerptContainer, 'excerpt-count') this.excerptDiv = make('div', this.excerptContainer, 'excerpt-div') this.dateContainer = make('div', parent, 'date-container') let leftArrow = make('div', parent, 'arrow left') leftArrow.innerText = "◄" leftArrow.onclick = () => { this.index-- if (this.index < 0) { this.index = this.excerptArray.length - 1; } this.update() } let rightArrow = make('div', parent, 'arrow right') rightArrow.innerText = "►" rightArrow.onclick = () => { this.index++ if (this.index >= this.excerptArray.length) { this.index = 0; } this.update(); } let disclaimer = make('div', parent, 'disclaimer') disclaimer.innerText = 'Sentences have been pulled from unedited speech transcripts and might not be verbatim' this.update(); } update() { this.excerptCount.innerHTML = `${this.index + 1} / ${this.excerptArray.length}` this.excerptDiv.innerHTML = this.currentExcerpt.highlight(this.phrase); this.dateContainer.innerText =; } } function make(type, parent, CLASS=null, ID=null) { let element = document.createElement(type); ID ? element.setAttribute('class', CLASS) : null; CLASS ? element.setAttribute('class', CLASS) : null; return parent.appendChild(element); } const myApp = new App(); myApp.load()