If you can't listen to Dolly Parton, who can you listen to?

The appeared on Sunday's episode of "Today" to promote her new album, "A Holly Dolly Christmas," and her "Dolly Parton's Christmas on the Square."

On "Today" she said, "I think we've just become so divided, 'cause people just seem to love to hate. You know?

"This is the Christmas season coming up," Parton said. "But we need to carry that Christmas spirit of peace on Earth, and loving one another. We need to carry that into the new year.

"And Lord knows, I hope next year is better than this one," she added.

Amen, Dolly Parton. Amen.

"A Holly Dolly Christmas" is Parton's first holiday album in 30 years and includes duets with several artists including Miley Cyrus and Jimmy Fallon.

Parton told "Today" she had "been wanting to do another Christmas album for a long time, and I had the time to do it, since we had kind of all holed up at home.

"So I started writing some of these original songs, and I gathered up some more of the old classics," she said. "And grabbed a bunch of friends, and we just kind of went for it."

Leave it to Parton to try and make us all feel better in such tumultuous times.

"We can't save the world, but we can save the world we're living in," she said. "Maybe I'm dreaming. But I don't think so."