Drake's father has got the star in his feelings.

The rapper recently took to to post a note about his dad, Dennis Graham.

"Woke up today so hurt, man. My father will say anything to anyone that's willing to listen to him," Drake wrote in his note. "Every bar I ever spit was the truth and the truth is hard for some people to accept."

Drake, 32, has portrayed his father as being absentee in his lyrics such as on the song "Look What You've Done" in which he raps "And my father living in Memphis now, he can't come this way/Over some minor charges and child support that just wasn't paid."

Graham recently sat down for a in Los Angeles.

The elder Graham accused his son of not being honest about their relationship.

He insisted he had "always been with Drake" and alleged his son was manufacturing drama between them to make money.

"I said, 'Drake, why are you saying all of this different stuff about me, man? This is not cool,'" Graham said. "And he goes 'Dad, it sells records.'"

Drake's parents split when he was young and he grew up in Toronto with his mother.

he said of his dad "He's slick. He could sell water to a well" and talked about trying to mend their fractured relationship.

"It's an emotional process," Drake said. "My father is an incredible man --charming, talented, and stylish -- and I'm sort of living the dream he had for himself. But his actions served as that reverse role model for me. There are a lot of things that I don't ever want to do."