KINGSTON, Ont. - Tragically Hip fans are being asked to vote for Hip lyrics that will be engraved on a commemorative stone in the band's hometown of Kingston, Ont.

City council -- following suggestions from the public -- has decided to have a commemorative stone in Springer Market Square where more than 25,000 gathered to watch a livestream of the Tragically Hip's Aug. 20 concert.

City officials say they consulted the band and the lyric options are "everybody was in it from miles around" from "Blow at High Dough" and "We danced the sidewalk clean" from "New Orleans is Sinking."

Along with the chosen lyrics will be the words "The Tragically Hip, A National Celebration, August 20, 2016."

Nearly 7,000 people packed the city's K-Rock Centre that night for what legions of Tragically Hip fans fear was the band's final live concert, the end of a tour arranged after lead singer Gord Downie revealed his diagnosis of terminal brain cancer.

The two-question survey -- which can be accessed online at or by calling 613-546-0000 -- closes Oct. 12.