HALIFAX -- India has received 500 Canadian-made ventilators from the province of Ontario as the country battles a deadly surge in COVID-19 cases.

In a tweet sent Friday, Arindam Bagchi, a spokesperson for India’s ministry of external affairs said it had received 500 ventilators from Ontario.

“Continuing cooperation with our Strategic Partner. A shipment of 500 ventilators arrives from Canada. Grateful to the Provincial Government of Ontario, Canada for this generous donation,”.

The support comes after Canada pledged to send medical supplies to help India response to its massive surge in infections. India also received 25,000 vials of the antiviral Remdesivir from the federal initiative, in addition to the $10 million pledged to help procure critical

As of Friday the number of recorded COVID-19 infections in India climbed above 24 million cases although medical experts expect the actual number to be much greater.