TORONTO -- Those most at risk of complications from COVID-19 are taking to social media to share their stories and urge the general public to take coronavirus precautions seriously.

Twitter was filled over the weekend with messages from those who are immunocompromised, many of which helped to shed light on the human side of the pandemic.

As : “I’m immunocompromised and my life counts!â€

Twitter users shared smiling selfies underneath descriptions of the illnesses or existing conditions that put them at a high risk of developing serious complications if they catch coronavirus.

Twitter user she has “Grave’s disease, fibro, cfs, and asthma.

“Just because YOU are healthy does not mean the rest of us are,†her tweet reads. “I am a single mom. I’d like to see my son graduate college.â€

Another user , which impacts breathing. Coronavirus is a respiratory virus. Canada has over 310 confirmed or presumptive cases thus far. Globally, over 162,000 have contracted the virus, with more than 6,000 deaths and 75,000 recoveries.

These Twitter users are breaking the stereotypes of who is most at risk by showing that immunocompromised people exist across all ages, races and genders.

“I turned 29 2 weeks ago,†, adding that she has Ehlers Danlos syndrome and congenital heart disease, among other medical issues.

“If you were to meet me, you’d never know,†of being on immunosuppresants. “I look 100% healthy.â€

Numerous governments across the globe have recommended social distancing and avoiding large public gatherings, but some people are still choosing to travel and go out to bars and clubs despite the outbreak. Officials say that if the public does not follow the recommendations of self-isolation, they could be putting everyone at risk.

“Your life may not be in danger, but ours would be,†said who said she and her father were both at risk due to chronic illness and cardiovascular disease, respectively. “Think of others.â€

The tweets were frequently accompanied by the hashtags #HighRIskCovid19.