TORONTO -- Sophie Gregoire Trudeau says she has been given a clean bill of health two weeks after testing positive for COVID-19.

Gregoire Trudeau announced over social media Saturday night that she has been given the “all clear” by her doctor and Ottawa Public Health.

“From the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you to everyone who reached out to me with their well wishes. And to everyone who is suffering right now, I send you all my love,”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau entered self-isolation at Rideau Cottage on March 12 after his wife tested positive following a trip to the U.K.

While that two-week period is now over and Trudeau has not reported experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, the prime minister said last week that he will continue to work from home on the advice of doctors. Their three children remain healthy, Trudeau said.

on Saturday, Gregoire Trudeau called on Canadians to help each other out during these challenging times and to follow the guidance of public health officials.

“Obviously it's difficult because some people are losing their jobs, some people are suffering in isolation and alone. And we need to learn that we are all interconnected, that we are all in this together,” she said.

“Let’s be allies. Let’s continue to be caring and help the most vulnerable, because we know for sure when we go through this, we will be stronger because we have had each other’s backs.”

As of Saturday, more than 5,600 people in Canada have been infected with the virus and 61 have died.