Health Canada has to Canadians that some EpiPens may get stuck in their carrier tubes.

On Friday, Pfizer Canada, the maker of the epinephrine injector, advised the agency of the issue, which they said is “rare.” EpiPen (0.3 mg) and EpiPen Jr (0.15 mg) auto-injectors may not come out of their tube easily or at all in a “very small number of cases,” the company , and assured customers that the problem is with the device label not the device or the epinephrine it delivers to counter allergic reactions.

“In a very small number of cases, the device labels were not fully adhered to the surface of the auto-injectors in a way that the label may become stuck to the inside of the carrier tube,” the company said. This risks “potentially delaying or preventing emergency treatment.”

In agreement with Health Canada, there has been no recall order of the devices since health care providers and consumers are able to test EpiPens before an emergency and replace them if there is an issue. In on how to remove an EpiPen posted online by Pfizer, the device is shown easily falling out of its tube into someone’s hand.