Add two no-thank-yous by the Duchess of Cambridge to a yes from the British parliament and what do you get?

Yes, the rumours are flying that Kate Middleton is having a baby.

A media frenzy ensued after a royal visit to a UNICEF aid station in Denmark where Prince William sampled a peanut paste being shipped to famine victims in East Africa.

The duchess declined, giving her king-to-be husband a knowing look while he read the nutrition label. Pregnant women are discouraged from eating peanuts because of possible allergy problems for the fetus.

Even though Kate is as model-thin as she was on their wedding day in April, the newshounds dashed to the media archives to uncover another clue: At a recent reception, the duchess had declined a glass of champagne.

And two weeks ago the British parliament passed a law that gives female heirs to the throne equal rights to males.

That means if Kate were pregnant with a girl, the baby could one day ascend to the throne after Prince William gets his turn.

Body language expert Patti Wood says that Kate has been holding her hands in front of her belly during recent public appearances, suggesting that it may be a protective behaviour.

Palace officials declined to engage in pregnancy speculation this week, but did say that the duchess does not have a peanut allergy. That tongue-in-cheek non-confirmation could just be another clue.

The rumours have got royal-watchers buzzing. Lorraine Seminyk, a Calgarian who runs a British import store, said the idea is "very exciting."

"It's always nice to bring in a new baby into the world," she said.

Prince William was born 11 months after his parents were married. But whether the rumours are true or not, it looks as though an enthusiastic public may have to wait longer than that before Kate and William start a family.

With a report from CTV's Alberta Bureau Chief Janet Dirks