"Godfather" fans might call it the Luca Brasi experience.

Airbnb is offering three lucky individuals a chance to sleep with the fishes, with a contest for a free one-night's stay in a shark-tank bedroom.

Contest-winners will spend the night in a glass bedroom suspended inside the shark tank at the Aquarium de Paris, while 35 of the sleepless, sharp-toothed predators swim around on the other side of the glass.

The glass bedroom offers a 360-degree view of the sharks' underwater home, the says.

Winners will be treated to a guided tour and dinner at the aquarium's restaurant. A shark expert will also dive into the tank for a demonstration.

Contest entrants must submit 50- to-550 characters explaining why they should be chosen to sleep with the sharks. Winners will be chosen by Apr. 3, and the sleepovers will be on Apr. 11, 12 and 13. The contest sponsor will cover the cost of flying winners to Paris.

Essays can be written in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese.

The Airbnb "house rules" for the aquarium include all kinds of tongue-in-cheek guidelines, such as a "no night swimming" policy, and the recommendation that guests avoid watching "Jaws" before they visit.


Some people swim with the sharks, now you can sleep with the sharks.Sweet dreams!

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