The little girl whose wish to meet a real-life princess came true during Will and Kate's royal visit, has had another wish granted just in time for Christmas: she has been declared cancer-free.

Six-year-old Diamond Marshall has been suffering from a rare form of adrenal-type cancer when she greeted Kate Middleton with flowers during the royal newlyweds' visit to Calgary in July.

Since undergoing surgery at Alberta Children's Hospital in Calgary on Monday, biopsies show that the cancer is gone.

"We're happy, we're really happy that she's cancer-free," Diamond's dad Lyall Marshall said.

"We've been waiting for this for many months and she's done so much… that you know, during Christmas, it's fantastic."

Diamond, with a pink ribbon secured around her bald head, captured media attention when she ran to the Duchess of Cambridge and threw her arms around her.

After watching the royal wedding from her hospital bed, Diamond had told The Children's Wish Foundation that she wished to meet a princess.

Lyall said that Diamond's experience meeting the royals had a lingering effect on the little girl.

"I think that it helped in her emotional healing," he said.

The press secretary for William and Kate said that the royal couple has been told about Diamond's progress.

"This is a wonderful piece of news, especially at this time of the year and we will be thinking of Diamond in the coming year," read a statement issued by the royal couple.

Diamond remains in hospital where she is recovering from surgery. Her family hopes she'll be home in time to celebrate New Year's Eve.

Her treatments are not over yet, though. She is scheduled to undergo high-dose chemotherapy in January, followed by a bone marrow transplant which doctors hope will help her remain cancer-free.

With a report from CTV Calgary's Janet Dirks