Friends and relatives can't go...are you faced with planning a holiday on your own?

Are you fed up with typical resort-based vacation packages where you'll be asked to pay a hefty single supplement charge and then find yourself sitting alone on a beach surrounded by cavorting couples and families?

Are you daunted by the prospect of getting on a plane, train or bus only to wander aimlessly among the crowds of strange cities?

Does going solo seem like too much of a drag to bother?

Cheer up. Don't stay home. It may be that you just have to revise your ideas about what makes a great holiday and look for alternative approach and turn vacation time into time well spent.

Research Project

Vacation time offers an opportunity to learn all there is to know about an endless array of topics. Trace the roots of favourite authors or your family tree. Visit every winery or brewery in a region, every opera house in Europe, or every ancient temple worldwide. Or, what about something way out there like visiting every haunted house in Britain. Whatever your interest may be let it lead you into new territory.

Conferences and Conventions

A career-related conference is no holiday. But attending a conference featuring a cherished hobby is both educational and fun. Dog fanciers, cat lovers, fly fishers, collectors of everything from comic books to Looney Tunes. Whatever the passion, there is a conference being held somewhere on the subject.


From dance, painting and language classes to computer seminars, photo safaris or golf, hockey, tennis or baseball camps -- you name it. Somebody's teaching it in a vacation setting some.

International Societies

Single and solo travelers should adopt interests that they can pursue internationally through affiliated organizations that offer meetings and outings they can join on a drop-in basis. Archaeology. Astronomy. Ecology. Gardening. History. Genealogy. These and dozens of other subjects have worldwide appeal.

Fan trips

Large sporting tournaments and annual festivals around the world depend on volunteer support. Singles willing to devote their vacation time will have a busy, satisfying experience among like-minded people.


The world over, government, non-profit and scientific organizations invite helpers to join projects for both long and short terms. Book stores and libraries stock books listing contacts.

Certainly, planning a purposeful holiday isn't as easy as walking into the nearest travel agency and reserving a trip. That is why an organization that specializes in solo travel, like Connecting: Solo Travel Network (CSTN), can help you explore the ways and means to a world full of interesting alternatives. Readers swap ideas for single-friendly vacations, destination reports, travel tales and going solo tips.