MONTREAL - Paul McCartney says he didn't know what to expect when he came to Quebec after some sovereigntists protested his appearance at Quebec City's 400th birthday bash.

"With these big shows you never quite know what to expect," McCartney says in a chat posted on his website. "I know there were some people who were not too happy about an English-language artist being part of the celebrations but you know music is an international language that helps bring people together."

Several Quebec sovereigntists had questioned McCartney's participation in the anniversary celebration because of his British roots. They claimed his presence evoked painful memories of Britain's conquest of New France in 1760.

The Plains of Abraham, where McCartney played, was the site of a pivotal 1759 battle between British Gen. James Wolfe and France's Marquis Louis-Joseph de Montcalm.

The British won the battle.

McCartney brushed off the nationalists' concerns before the concert, suggesting "it's time to smoke the pipes of peace."

More than 250,000 people turned out for the concert and Quebec City was seized by McCartneymania when the former Beatle arrived.

"It was really cool to see all the fans and it was great that they had made an effort to come out an give me such an amazing welcome," McCartney said in the website post. "People couldn't have been nicer. It really set such a great vibe for the weekend."

McCartney played 36 songs during his appearance, in which he spoke some French and waved a Quebec flag to cheers.

"Man, we had such a great night," McCartney said on the web page at

"No one ever wants a great night to come to an end. It was great looking out into the audience and seeing them enjoying themselves as much as we were.

"Then there were all the special banners they made. I always try to have a read of those. There was a sea of Union Jacks and the audience had also made their own flashing lights with them, which looked incredible when the sun had gone down. I had a really great time with `toute la gang'."

McCartney's website also includes exclusive video of his time in Quebec City.

McCartney also waxed in the posting about his joy at appearing with Billy Joel two days before at Shea Stadium in New York, where the Beatles played in 1965.

"This was the mother of all weekends," McCartney said. "I had such a great time.

"Shea brought back some magical memories of the guys and when we were starting out. Quebec was just really special and unforgettable.

"It also gave me a chance to brush up on my French."