A conducted by Sonarworks, a company specializing in audio software, found that the majority of employees who utilize computers as part of their job opt to wear headphones for personal reasons, even when not required.

According to the survey, 93.19 percent of employees who are not required to wear headphones at work said they choose to wear them for their own reasons. In contrast, fewer than nine percent of survey respondents consider wearing headphones a primary concern during their work tasks.

The number of people who say they always wear headphones is quite low (8.75 per cent) compared to those who do so rarely (17.51 per cent). About 25 per cent of survey respondents said they wear headphones frequently, 42.41 per cent said sometimes and 6.81 said they never wear headphones while working. According to the survey, more Millennial (50 per cent) and Gen Z (25 per cent) employees tend to use headphones always.

The survey, which gathered responses from more than 1,000 people across the U.S., Europe and the U.K., found a shift in perceptions toward the use of headphones at work over time. Unlike in the past, when wearing headphones was frequently perceived as a lack of engagement in work tasks, the survey results show a growing acceptance and normalization of their use.

When it comes to why employees wear headphones at work, the survey found that the primary reason is to block out distractions and improve focus. Respondents also said they wear headphones because they desire entertainment during extended work periods, it boosts their mood and relieves stress, it increases their productivity, it creates a peaceful environment and they like to learn new things.

In terms of the content that employees choose to listen to, the survey found that 41 per cent of people prefer to listen to music – with rock music as the most preferred genre - and about 15 per cent opt to listen to podcasts or ambient/instrumental music.

The percentage is notably lower for employees who choose to listen to educational lectures (9.02 per cent), audiobooks or comedy content (five per cent), and white noise or nature sounds (3.19 per cent).

The survey also found that almost 50 per cent of Millennial employees and more than 25 per cent of Gen Z and Gen X employees don’t listen to anything while wearing headphones, they only use them for noise cancelling.

According to the survey, comedy and entertainment-related content is more frequently favoured by younger generations in comparison to their older counterparts.

The findings show 24.51 per cent of people choose to wear headphones for a significant portion of their day, while 8.75 per cent prioritize wearing them during work. Additionally, 17.51 per cent said they use headphones on an occasional basis while 6.81 per cent prefer not to wear them while working.

When it comes to working hybrid or from home, 35.61 per cent of people who work remotely said they wear headphones while working--37.11 per cent people who work a hybrid work schedule said they same. The proportion is lower -- 27.28 per cent – for those who work in an office.

Although wearing headphones can offer advantages, it's important to note that extended exposure to loud music can lead to adverse consequences. The warns that prolonged exposure to loud sounds can result in weariness of the sensory cells in the ears, which play a crucial role in facilitating hearing.



The findings in the study are based on a Sonarwork's survey conducted between 21st and 31st March 2023. The survey was distributed through their email database and relevant social media channels including Reddit and LinkedIn. The survey targeted individuals who were currently employed in office, work-from-home, or hybrid settings, and whose job responsibilities did not require the use of headphones, such as in call centers. The survey received 1140 qualified responses from individuals aged between 18 and 76, residing in the USA, Europe, and the UK.


Reporting for this story was paid for through The Afghan Journalists in Residence Project funded by Meta.