Canada has joined in denouncing North Korea and Russia for alleged missile transfers and accused Russia of procuring North Korean ballistic missiles.

The countries accuse Russia of using the missiles against Ukraine and say the arms deals pose "security implications" around the world.

North Korea and Russia have denied making any arms deals.

"We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s (DPRK) export and Russia’s procurement of DPRK ballistic missiles, as well as Russia’s use of these missiles against Ukraine on December 30, 2023, and January 2, 2024," foreign affairs officials from Canada, the United States, European Union, the United Kingdom, Ukraine and other countries said in a joint statement released Tuesday. "The transfer of these weapons increases the suffering of the Ukrainian people, supports Russia’s war of aggression and undermines the global non-proliferation regime."

Russia’s alleged use of North Korea's ballistic missiles in Ukraine "provides valuable technical and military insights" to North Korea, the group added. "We are deeply concerned about the security implications that this cooperation has in Europe, on the Korean Peninsula, across the Indo-Pacific region, and around the world."

The U.S. and South Korea have expressed concerns about the strengthening military co-operation between North Korea and Russia.

Citing newly declassified intelligence, the White House said last week that Russia had used short-range ballistic missiles from North Korea multiple times against Ukraine. A senior Ukrainian official corroborated the claim.

Russia targeted Kharkiv, in northeastern Ukraine, last week with one of the largest missile and drone strikes since the Russia-Ukraine war began in February 2022, killing two people and injuring more than 60.

The United Nations has issued an arms embargo on North Korea since 2006 in response to its nuclear and missile activities, including testing a nuclear bomb.

Meanwhile, the United States and seven other nations on Wednesday of violating UN Security Council resolutions by acquiring North Korean missiles and firing them into Ukraine. Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

"A permanent Security Council member that willingly engages in these violations demonstrates a clear exploitation of its position," said the statement by permanent Council members Britain, France and the United States, non-permanent members Malta, Slovenia and South Korea as well as Japan and Ukraine.

With files from Reuters