Canada’s legalization of cannabis is sparking calls for other countries to follow suit.

Politicians from multiple countries congratulated Canada following Wednesday’s legalization and said they hoped their countries would follow Uruguay and Canada into decriminalizing the drug.

“Canada shows the way. When will the UK end the catastrophic prohibition of cannabis?” British MP Norman Lamb.

Richard Di Natale, the leader of Australia’s Green party, said Canada had taken a “common sense step” with legalization.

“It is high time that Australia follows suit,” he said in punctuated with a winking face emoji and a green heart.

Canada’s cannabis coming-out also put the eyes of the international media on the country. American broadcaster NBC covered the moment of legalization in St. John’s, while a headline in German newspaper Bild referred to Canada as “Kiffer-Paradies” – a phrase that translates to “pothead paradise.”

Weighing in from the entertainment world was filmmaker and noted marijuana enthusiast Kevin Smith.

“Congratulations on this historical day, Canada!” Smith . “You’re now America’s cool older cousin who can get us weed!”

Snoop Dogg, who has business ties to multiple Canadian cannabis companies, may have been hinting at his reaction to Canada’s legalization when he posted an old to Instagram early Wednesday morning.

Outside the realm of public figures, plenty of people addressed messages of congratulations and envy to Canada.

“I’ll be smoking in secret in my dark basement and hope that some day America will do the same,” Rebecca Spellman.

Less optimistic was the citizen group Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy, which said Canada had declared a winner in the war on drugs.

“Congratulations Drugs. Better luck next time public health and saftey [sic],” the group .

Of course, there were also more than a few quips made on social media about the combination of legal cannabis and Canadian stereotypes.

“Canada just legalized weed. Which means what? Now they’ll have negative gun deaths?” Kevin Flood.