Since the onset of COVID-19, Canadians have gone through many challenging times.

Among them, people had to navigate the early and changing pandemic procedures, stay away from loved ones for months, or in some cases years, and witness the health-care system on the brink of collapse.

As the world transitions away from the immediate threat of COVID-19, and now looks at what's next, there are new challenges facing Canadians.

For some, the pandemic put into perspective the challenges of mental health and the impacts of isolation. In addition to those residual effects, the current state of the economy has many worried about job security and affordable housing.

A lot has happened in the time since March 2020, and some Canadians feel that one of the characteristics the country used to be known for – kindness – may no longer be an accurate stereotype.

They've turned to social media to ask

 Are you noticing more people are less polite, patient and kind in Canada? When do you think this trend started? What are some experiences you've had of uncalled-for behaviour, and do you believe the pandemic or recent cost-of-living stresses were a factor? wants to know if you think people have become more disrespectful and unkind in the last few years.

Share your story by emailing us at with your name, general location and phone number in case we want to follow up. Your comments may be used in a story.