Ontarians go to the polls on June 7. Here’s what you need to know before you cast your ballot.

Who’s eligible to vote?

You can vote if you are a Canadian citizen, a resident of Ontario, and 18 years of age or older.

How do I register to vote?

allows you to check if you are already registered to vote. If not, you can register or update your information on the same website.

If you are 16 or 17 years old, you can register as a future voter.

You can also call for assistance at 1-888-668-8683.

Where do I go to vote?

If your name and address are on the provincial voters list, you will receive a Voter Information Card in the mail before election day. The card will include all the necessary information about your voting location and you’ll need to bring it with you when you cast your ballot.

If you don’t receive the card in the mail, you can find out where to vote by using Election Ontario’s

When can I vote on election day?

Polls will open at 9 a.m. and close at 9 p.m.

How do I find my electoral district?

You can find information about your electoral district by entering your postal code on

How does advanced voting work?

If you’ll be out of town or otherwise unavailable to vote on election day, you can still cast your ballot ahead of time.

Your Voter Information Card will have the info you need for advanced voting locations in your riding. Advance poll locations and times will also be listed on the Elections Ontario website closer to election day.

What if I’m away from home throughout the election period?

Ontarians who can’t vote on election day or in advance (including students living away from home and members of the Canadian Forces) may be eligible to vote by special ballot. Details on voting by special ballot

What identification do I need to vote?

If you receive a Voter Information Card in the mail, bring the card and one piece of identification that has your name on it to vote.

If you don’t receive a Voter Information Card, bring one piece of ID that has your name and your residential address to vote.

Acceptable forms of ID include an Ontario driver’s licence, an Ontario photo card, a utility bill, a bank statement or a T4 slip. A full list of accepted forms of identification

The same identification rules apply for advanced voting.

Options for voters with disabilities, or those who are hospitalized

For Ontarians with disabilities, there are several options for accessible voting. They include assistive voting technology, voting by mail, and voting by home visit. Those options are detailed on the

Alternatively, those who need assistance can call 1-888-668-8683, or TTY 1-888-292-2312.

Ontarians who are hospitalized during a general election can also vote by special ballot from the hospital. Details

Can I take time off work to vote?

stipulates that every employee who is qualified to vote “shall…have three consecutive hours for the purpose of voting” on election day. Time taken off needs to suit “the convenience of the employer,” but employees must not be docked any pay. 

Can I take a selfie with my ballot?

No. The Ontario Election Act prohibits voters from using communications devices at the voting booth and displaying their ballots to anyone. That includes taking pictures of your marked ballot and posting it on social media.

Can I decline my ballot?

Yes. When you are handed a ballot at your polling location, just tell the election official that you are declining your right to vote. The ballot will be marked as declined. The total number of declined ballots in the province will be included in the official election results. 

Source: Elections Ontario