A group of climate activists threw pink paint on the entrance to the Prime Minister's Office in Ottawa on Saturday, while one person chained herself to the entranceway.

The group, On2Ottawa, shared details of their protest with media Saturday morning, saying the individual who chained herself to the office's entrance is the same person who crashed the .

Topless at first, the protester is later seen with a sweater on.

Video from CTV News Ottawa captured Ottawa police and firefighters breaking the chain, while the protester was taken away in handcuffs.

"We are here in Ottawa to demand a citizens' assembly to address the desperate need for Climate Action Now, not in the 5 to 10 years our government has slated," Ever, the protester who chained herself to the office building, is quoted saying in a media release from the group.

"Overextraction is already showing us its dangerous repercussions. Here and around the world we are seeing fires, floods, droughts & food shortages. The time for dramatic action is now, we still have time to make a difference, but we only have 712 days."

The group says it took the actions in part to raise awareness for an upcoming caravan coming to the city in August.

Its website describes the caravan as a way to meet people and encourage them to join and "consider taking part in non-violent civil disobedience."

The group says organizers will also hold rallies at Parliament Hill for the next several days and host information talks.

Protest prime minister's office