TORONTO - The #TorontoStrong Fund says it will open a designated account for donations to the victims of the Sunday shooting on Danforth Avenue in Toronto.

says it will ensure that donations are collected and distributed to those affected in an accountable and transparent manner.

An 18-year-old woman and a 10-year-old girl were killed and 13 others injured when a gunman fired into restaurants and patios along the Danforth.

The fund will co-ordinate with existing community-led fundraising initiatives and GoFundMe to look for opportunities to collaborate and unite in an effort to provide city-wide support for the victims.

The #TorontoStrong Fund is a partnership between the City of Toronto and Toronto Foundation, advised by a volunteer steering committee.

It raised approximately $3.5 million to help support the 26 killed and injured in a van attack in April, and is accepting donations for that incident until Aug. 31.