Twitter users are liking and sharing a photo that shows Prime Minister Justin Trudeau jogging right past a group of seemingly unaware teenagers gathered in Vancouver to take photos.

Adam Scotti, Trudeau’s official photographer, took the image of his boss running in shorts and a t-shirt and shared it online Friday evening with the words “Prom season in #Vancouver.”


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Some Twitter users found it funny that the nation’s leader came within metres of the teens and yet they seemed too oblivious to notice.

While the teens didn’t initially notice the prime minister, student Sofia Kalil says she realized it was him after he looped back and demanded to know “who’s the bride?”

“He thought it was a wedding,” says Kalil, who had just attended a graduation ceremony with a date from Vancouver College.

Kalil says Trudeau stopped to take another photo with the students, wished them a good evening and resumed his run.

Alex Horner, one of the Vancouver College graduates, says he was initially confused but then realized it was the PM.

“You look at your grad night and you hope for a memorable time but I don’t think we could have dreamt up a more memorable experience than that,” he said. “It was really nice.”

Trudeau was in the Vancouver area on Thursday and Friday. He met with the Governor of Washington, participated in a roundtable with technology leaders, promoted the Canada Child Benefit and held events with the Filipino and Sikh communities.

With a report from CTV Vancouver’s Breanna Karstens-Smith