A woman was thrown from a horse-drawn carriage in Vancouver’s sprawling Stanley Park on Monday after the animals were allegedly spooked by pipeline protesters ahead of an event featuring Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Footage from the scene shows a pair of frantic horses pulling a carriage on a reckless, nail-biting ride through the park to the sounds of screams and clattering hooves. A woman is clearly seen tumbling out of the renegade carriage before it collides with a wooden park bench. Others leap out as the horses continue to careen around the popular park’s seawall.

“I had to hold on for dear life,” a woman at the scene told CTV Vancouver.

It is unclear if anyone was injured in the incident, which occurred after a car allegedly honked its horn as the horses passed a group of people protesting the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.

The accident came ahead of an announcement by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about how the federal government will handle potential oil spills off B.C.’s rugged coast in the future.

With files from CTV Vancouver