MONTREAL - Premier Jean Charest is promising that a re-elected Liberal government would abolish the Quebec sales tax of 7.5 per cent on culture-related products and events.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives found out the hard way in the recent federal election that culture is a burning issue in Quebec, and Charest will be hoping today's announcement wins him votes in the Dec. 8 provincial election.

Quebec artists took to the streets during the federal campaign to blast Harper for cuts to arts programs across the country.

Charest's measure would apply to tickets for movies, museums, CDs and DVDs.

Action democratique du Quebec Leader Mario Dumont's major announcement this morning was to say he would bring in independent experts to analyze infrastructure projects worth more than $100 million in order to prevent cost overruns.

Parti Quebecois Leader Pauline Marois is unveiling the party's environmental plan at the site of a future train station in L'Assomption, northeast of Montreal.