TORONTO -- Hurricane Ida's movement through the U.S. Northeast has left a trail of death and devastation, particularly in New York and New Jersey.

Ida brought record levels of rainfall, overwhelming drainage systems and leading to widespread flooding that walloped homes, roads and transit infrastructure. At least 49 people have died as of Friday, authorities say.

U.S. President Joe Biden approved an emergency declarations for New York and New Jersey.

Maxar Technologies, a satellite imaging company, captured before-and-after shots of some of the areas ravaged by Ida.

In , a local minor league baseball stadium in Bridgwater, N.J., saw its field completely consumed by floodwater.

Maxar also a highway in New Brunswick, N.J. that runs alongside a river. The highway appears to be nearly swallowed by the surging river.


an entire neighbourhood in Manville, N.J., as well as the nearby train tracks, submerged in floodwater.

With files from The Associated Press