LOS ANGELES -- Reaction to the accusations of decades of sexual harassment by movie mogul Harvey Weinstein:

-- "People get away with things they think they can get away with. And it's all part of the... look, we do move forward in the world. I mean, I grew up, I'm 70 years old so I've seen a lot of changes in the world. Things I said when I was a teenager, it embarrasses me now that I said those things, but that's the world I lived in. That's the world that Donald Trump wants to go back to - let's make it... 1962 when this film takes place, if you were a white male, life was great. But if you were anybody else, it wasn't so good. And we just keep trying to make the world good for everybody." -- Richard Jenkins in an interview with The Associated Press.

-- "The shameless behaviour of this powerful man found shameless co-conspirators in people hiding behind screen handles, who then tried to push their foulness on to women who are blameless." --

-- "These alleged actions are antithetical to human decency. These allegations come as an utter surprise to the board. Any suggestion that the board had knowledge of this conduct is false. We are committed to assisting with our full energies in all criminal or other investigations of these alleged acts, while pursuing justice for the victims and a full and independent investigation of our own." -- the four remaining members of The Weinstein Co. board of directors.

-- "I think that these are charges that need to be faced seriously and things need to be done seriously about it because it's not an isolated incident that gets solved or two incidents that get solved - it's an attitude. It's ingrained. Things are rigged to allow these things to happen and they need to be de-rigged to stop it. It's not about case by case, it's a whole attitude. And I think that people that come forward need our support and love and they need to be taken as seriously as you can in whatever your field is. It's not just movies, it's the world. Banking, publicity, fashion, you name it -- it's the way the world is rigged and it needs to change, the way we live as a species together, you know? End of story." -- writer/director Guillermo del Toro in an interview with The Associated Press.

-- "I am saddened and angry that a man who I worked with used his position of power to intimidate, sexually harass and manipulate many women over decades. The additional allegations of assault that I read this morning made me sick. This is completely unacceptable, and I find myself asking what I can do to make sure this doesn't happen to others. We need to do better at protecting our sisters, friends, co-workers and daughters. We must support those who come forward, condemn this type of behaviour when we see it and help ensure there are more women in positions of power." -- and Twitter.

-- "A lot of people are doing the 'you had to know' thing right now, and yes, if you're asking if I knew that someone who was very powerful had a tendency to hit on young, beautiful women, sure. But I had no idea that it had gone to the level of having to pay off eight women for their silence, and that these women were threatened and victimized." --

-- "There is no excuse for sexual harassment or sexual assault -- no matter who you are and no matter what professions. I applaud the strength and courage of the women who came forward and made their voices heard." --

-- "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status. We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories." --

-- "I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein. The behaviour described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behaviour." --

-- "I am utterly disgusted by the continuing revelations of Harvey Weinstein's horrifying and unforgivable actions. We need to collectively stand up and support victims of abuse such as the brave and inspiring women who have spoken out against him and say we hear you and believe you. That way others may be emboldened by our support to come forward and speak. But we shouldn't wait until there are any more stories like this. We, as an industry and as a society at large need to play our part. There has to be zero tolerance of any such behaviour in any walk of life. We owe that to these women's bravery in coming forward" -- Benedict Cumberbatch in a statement.