Kate Bush is "overwhelmed" by the renewed affection for her decades-old song, "Running Up That Hill."

The singer posted a statement to her website about how the 1985 track is being after on the latest season of "Stranger Things."

"The Duffer Brothers have created four extraordinary [seasons] of 'Stranger Things' in which the child actors have grown into young adults,"

She continued: "In this latest series, the characters are facing many of the same challenges that exist in reality right now. I believe the Duffer Brothers have touched people's hearts in a special way, at a time that's incredibly difficult for everyone, especially younger people."

Sadie Sink's character, Max, listens to the track until her friends play it on repeat to help her find her way back.

"By featuring 'Running Up That Hill' in such a positive light - as a talisman for Max (one of the main female characters) - the song has been brought into the emotional arena of her story," Bush wrote. "Fear, conflict and the power of love are all around her and her friends."

"I salute the Duffer Brothers for their courage and taking this new series into a much more adult and darker place. I want to thank them so much for bringing the song into so many people's lives," Bush added. "I'm overwhelmed by the scale of affection and support the song is receiving and it's all happening really fast, as if it's being driven along by a kind of elemental force."

Billboard reports that "Running Up That Hill" hit No. 1 in the U.K. and Australia and has entered the U.S. Top 5.

"I have to admit I feel really moved by it all," Bush said of the news. "Thank you so very much for making the song a No. 1 in such an unexpected way."