A Netflix drama produced in Toronto has courted controversy by using real-life footage from a Canadian tragedy.

The science-fiction show “Travelers” recently released an episode in which a nuclear attack hits the United Kingdom.

Included in the montage of damage from the attack are images of the 2013 rail disaster in Lac-Megantic, Que., in which 47 people died after a train hauling crude oil left the tracks and crashed in the town.

Peacock Alley Entertainment, which produces the show, says the images were purchased from an archival footage service.

According to CTV Montreal, Peacock Alley will re-edit the episode, replacing the Lac-Megantic footage with something else.

Another Netflix series, “Death Note,” has recently been criticized for using footage of a deadly train crash which occurred in 2010 in Belgium.

A spokesperson for the National Railway Company of Belgium felt the use of that footage showed disrespect to victims of the crash, according to in Belgian newspaper De Standaard.