"The Lego Batman Movie" is scheduled to arrive in theaters on February 10, 2017 and features most of the cast of characters as well as Batman, including the Joker, Barbara Gordon, and Alfred. The Lego sets feature a collection of vehicles and locations such as the Batcave, the Riddle Racer and the Batmobile, as seen in the animated film, as well as as minifigures of Batman, Robin, Catwoman, The Penguin, Alfred Pennyworth, Mr. Freeze, Harley Quinn and Batgirl, among others.

Priced starting at US$14.99, the sets also come with buildable street scenes, weapons and accessory elements such as Batman's cape, The Riddler's top hat and cane, Catwoman's whip and Poison Ivy's vine monster with posable vines.

lineup will be available starting January 1, 2017.