The online sensation that became "" has raised over US$1 million for the organization and struggling performers impacted by the pandemic.

The musical premiered on the social media platform New Year's Day and featured household names including Wayne Brady, Titus Burgess and Adam Lambert. The news of its monetary success was announced Saturday on the production's

The saw the project go from a quaint effort started by a user's to the 2007 Disney Pixar film to a full-blown event in a matter of weeks.

Tickets to see the production went for just $5 apiece, meaning over 200,000 have been snapped up.

"It's just so important to be supporting artists right now, I think, both in terms of the actual raising money (and in) bringing hope that new work still can be created and that there's a space for innovation," Ratatouille's director Lucy Moss

"Maybe, you know, this kind of work wouldn't have happened if we weren't all stuck at home."

Supporters can still catch the show. Tickets will be available to purchase through Jan. 4.