TORONTO -- A side effect of Canada's COVID-19 lockdown may be starting to weigh a little on everyone.

Some are calling it the "Quarantine 15," citing stress-baking and closed gyms as a recipe for weight gain while staying at home.

Financial adviser Paula Andreychuk has been working from her home in Norwich, Ont. since the pandemic began. With her new office only metres from the kitchen, Andreychuk says she has been snacking on sweets and carbs during the day.

"I literally have a bread belly right now which is unusual because I've like thinned out and it's back," Andreychuk said in an interview with CTV News' John Vennavally-Rao.

Andreychuk showed CTV National News foods she and her family have been snacking on including ice cream, cookies and cheesy corn snacks.

"Everybody has to have Chips Ahoy! I mean really," Andreychuk laughed. She added that she hopes the COVID-19 crisis ends soon -- in part for the sake of her waistline.

Artists have taken to social media to share odes to the "Quarantine 15," posting songs and messages about the 15 pounds they expect to gain, the and .

"Due to coronavirus, my summer body will be delayed to 2021. Thanks for understanding," one post read online.

Registered Dietician Cheryl Strachan of said a little extra eating during a global crisis isn't out of the ordinary.

"I always tell people it's normal and it's OK," Strachan said.

She added that people who are using food to cope with the stress of the virus outbreak should cut themselves some slack.

"When we're facing the kind of global pandemic that were all looking down the barrel of -- maybe 10 to 15 pounds of weight, if that's all you come out of it with, you're doing pretty well," Strachan said.

With having to hunker down for the foreseeable future, some celebrities and politicians are using their platforms to promote healthy lifestyles at home.

Actor Bill Murray teamed up with his local gym to demonstrate some home workouts to help burn off those extra calories.

"I'm glad I'm doing this before my surgery," Murray said in the video . "Of course it's just cosmetic surgery."

In an effort to encourage Ugandans to stay indoors during the country's lockdown, President Yoweri Museveni released his own .

The 75-year-old president can be seen in the video doing push-ups and jogging in his mansion.

"It's good to go outside, outdoors when there’s no problem," Museveni said in the video. "But when there’s a need, you can go indoors."