When will the avocado madness stop? After 'avocado hand,' avocado-themed restaurants and avocado burgers, the latest trend involving the vegetable du jour involves pouring lattes into emptied half-shells.

While the "avolatte" started as a joke by a barista in Melbourne, Australia, the irony seems to have been lost on the internet, instead inspiring copycats to post their own versions of the concoction on Instagram, some in jest, others in earnest.

"Combing two of Melbourne's obsessions -- lattes and avo," reads the caption to the original Instagram post from Truman Café.

Within about two weeks of being shared, the photo began making the rounds on the web and has been viewed about 6,700 times -- enough to spawn other hipster baristas to recreate what's now known as the "avolatte."

Recently, 35-year-old Aussie real estate mogul Tim Gurner made headlines after slamming Millennials on their excess spending habits, calling them out for spending $19 on smashed avocado and $4 specialty coffees.

The trend has even caught the attention of Merriam-Webster which, apparently, is having none of it.

"Word We're Not Watching: avolatte."

Likewise, Munchies Vice filed the story under "WTF," calling the trend the "final nail in the coffin of human dignity" in its headline.

The avolatte is the latest avocado-related food craze to get the internet talking. Last year saw the birth of a burger in which the buns are replaced with half an avocado. Sprinkled with sesame seeds, the avocado halves create a carb-less bun facsimile.

Amsterdam and Brooklyn have also opened avocado-themed restaurants, The Avocado Show and The Avocaderia respectively.

And there now exists a term for the hazard that comes with trying to remove the stone from a half-shell with a knife: avocado hand. So prevalent is avocado hand, that the British Association of Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons have voiced their concern about the increasing number of avocado-related injuries.

Doctors at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital said they see about four patients a week with avocado hand.