A Portuguese dog named Bobi has been named the world’s oldest living dog by Guinness World Records, which claims the pooch is also the oldest canine ever recorded.

The geriatric dog is 30 years and 226 days old, as of Feb. 1. Bobi was born on May 11, 1992, making him a millennial.

According to a news brief on Guinness’ website, Bobi has lived his entire life with the Costa family in the rural village of Conqueiros, in Leiria, Portugal.

Bobi is a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, known as a livestock guardian dog. The breed typically lives about 12 to 14 years, so Bobi has long surpassed expectations for his longevity.

Bobi has broken nearly a century-old record held by the previous oldest living dog. Bluey, who died in 1939, held the record after living 29 years and five months.

The Serviço Medico-Veterinário do Município de Leiria, the veterinary medical services in Leiria, have confirmed Bobi’s age and it was also verified by Portugal’s pet database.


As well, Guinness describes Bobi’s life as “miraculous†as the Costa family had initially decided he should be put down. He was born as one of four male puppies in an outbuilding the Costa family owned.

Bobi’s owner, Leonel Costa, who is now 38, told Guinness that his father decided the puppies could not be kept as they owned too many animals, which “unfortunately, at that time, it was considered normal by older people who could not have animals at home,†he said.


However, Bobi’s mother, a dog named Gira, kept going back to the outbuilding after the puppies were taken away, and it turns out, one dog was left behind — it was Bobi.

Leonel Costa and his brothers decided to keep Bobi a secret.

“We knew that when the dog opened its eyes, my parents would no longer bury it,†Leonel told Guinness.

Guinness states that it can take one to two weeks for a puppy to open its eyes, as they can only do so when their central nervous system has developed.

When Leonel’s parents discovered Bobi, he had opened his eyes and officially joined the family.

Regarding Bobi’s secret to a long life, Leonel said only Bobi knows the answer.

But the “calm, peaceful, environment,†outside of a major city could be a factor in Bobi’s longevity, said Leonel. The pooch has never been attached to a leash and can roam free as he pleases. Bobi also grew up with many other animals and is “very sociable,†and has always eaten human food, he said.

Now Bobi is spending his twilight years considerably less energetic than before, but enjoys hanging out in the Costa’s backyard with the family’s cats. His eyesight isn’t great, and he likes to relax after meals, said Leonel.

Unfortunately, in 2018, Bobi had a health scare and collapsed due to breathing issues. But he recovered and now has frequent appointments with the vet. Exams indicate he’s doing well, even with his age, said Leonel.

Bobi is “one of a kind†and a reminder of relatives the family has lost, as they all knew the pooch, he added.

“Bobi is special because looking at him is like remembering the people who were part of our family and unfortunately are no longer here, like my father, my brother, or my grandparents who have already left this world. Bobi represents those generations,†he said.