Deputy Conservative leader Lisa Raitt and her husband Bruce Wood appeared on CTVā€™s Power Play Tuesday to talk about how their lives have changed since Wood was diagnosed with Alzheimerā€™s disease two years ago.

ā€œIt hits you out of the blue,ā€ Raitt, an Ontario MP, told Power Play host Don Martin. ā€œYou donā€™t expect the diagnosis.ā€

Wood was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimerā€™s in May, 2016 at the age of 56. It started with misplacing everyday objects, he said.

ā€œIt was noticed at work that Bruce wasnā€™t as vocal in board meetings,ā€ Raitt added. ā€œThe way it was explained to us is, heā€™s missing verbs and nouns but he can talk around the topics.ā€

Wood, who formerly served as president and CEO of the Hamilton Port Authority, is no longer working. But that, Raitt explained, has been something of a silver lining since the diagnosis.

ā€œWe actually have Bruce home more,ā€ Raitt, who has two children from a previous marriage, said. ā€œHeā€™s a lot more present in our lives... And when weā€™re together on weekends, weā€™re really together on weekends.ā€

Contrary to expectations, the diagnosis was not earth-shattering, Wood said.

ā€œI didnā€™t take it that way,ā€ he explained. ā€œIt was one of these things: OK, here it is, let me at it and weā€™ll figure it out.ā€

Wood also thinks that he has many more years of independence left.

ā€œI would say itā€™s going to take a long time,ā€ he said of the diseaseā€™s progression. ā€œThe way I look at itā€¦ (Iā€™m) still driving, doing all these things that I want to do.ā€

Wood urged anyone who thinks they may have Alzheimerā€™s to go and see their doctor.

ā€œThere are probably thousands of people out there that have the same disease and they donā€™t know,ā€ he said. ā€œGet your doctor and go see them -- you have to do that.ā€

Raitt also thanked Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer for giving her time to focus on her family life.

ā€œThis leader has been really supportive to me,ā€ she said. ā€œIā€™m grateful to Andrew.ā€