A former cabinet minister under Stephen Harper says the newly minted Conservative interim leader’s support for the convoy in Ottawa hurts the party.

“It might help the protesters a little bit, but it net hurts the Conservatives,†James Moore told Evan Solomon on CTV News Channel’s Power Play Thursday. Moore held multiple cabinet positions in the Harper government, including industry minister.

Candice Bergen was voted interim Conservative leader Wednesday night, hours after the caucus ousted Erin O’Toole.

In Question Period Thursday afternoon, Bergen said Canadians are “looking for an olive branch†from the federal government in regard to the ongoing convoy. She tweeted pictures from a visit with protesters earlier in the week.

“A this point in the dynamic I think it’s an ugly burden that’s winning no friends for anybody,†Moore told Power Play.

James Moore talks about Candice Bergen’s support for the convoy in the video at the top of this article.