OTTAWA – Days before Ontario Progressive Conservatives name a new leader, here's a recap of what the four leadership hopefuls had to say on CTV's Power Play on some of the big questions facing the party.

Caroline Mulroney, Feb. 8 on a carbon tax

“Six months ago we had a platform that included a carbon tax, so I’ve been knocking on doors talking about that, but it never sat well with me, so now that I’ve put my name forward to be leader of the party I’ve made it clear that I’ve been listening to members and as premier I will explore all legal options to insure that we oppose the carbon tax.â€

Christine Elliott, Feb. 16 on paying for platform promises

“Ontarians don’t need more taxes, they need lower taxes… First of all we’d need to see what the state of Ontario’s economics are in, should I become leader, and make a determination about whether we could fully move forward with all of our policy platform considerations right now or whether we would have to delay some of them.â€

Doug Ford, Feb. 22 on campaigning and party unity

“I’ve been travelling across Ontario, I’ve hit Belleville, Brockville, Kingston, Lindsay, and Peterborough, and Gananoque. There’s something happening out there… When I go there the rooms are packed… What a response. People are really ticked off right now…. I’m the only one that will unite it [the party.]â€

Tanya Granic Allen, March 3 on second ballot support

“I’d like my supporters to listen hard and long and hear what the other candidates have said on these important issues, like the sex-ed. I don’t believe in telling people what to do, I want them to make up their minds for themselves.â€