WASHINGTON -- U.S. President Donald Trump took several shots at Canada again Thursday, complaining about its trade practices in several areas. He made the remarks during a ceremony in the Oval Office where he signed an executive order related to steel.

In his own words:

"I want to just add -- I wasn't going to do this, but I was in Wisconsin the other day, and I want to end by saying that Canada, what they've done to our dairy farm workers is a disgrace. It's a disgrace.

"I spent time with some of the farmers in Wisconsin, and, as you know, rules, regulations, different things have changed. And our farmers in Wisconsin and New York State are being put out of business, our dairy farmers. And that also includes what's happening along our northern border states with Canada, having to do with lumber and timber.

"The fact is, NAFTA -- whether it's Mexico or Canada -- is a disaster for our country. It's a disaster. It's a trading disaster. And we'll be reporting back sometime over the next two weeks as to NAFTA and what we're going to do about it. But what happened to our dairy farmers in Wisconsin and New York State -- we're not going to let it happen.

"We can't let Canada or anybody else take advantage and do what they did to our workers and to our farmers. And again, I want to also just mention, included in there is lumber -- timber -- and energy. So we're going to have to get to the negotiating table with Canada very, very quickly.

"Again, just to tell you, this is another NAFTA disaster, and we're not going to let it continue onward."