Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Wednesday that Indigenous scholar Margo Greenwood has been appointed to the Senate, filling a vacancy in British Columbia.

Greenwood is of Cree ancestry, is an officer of the Order of Canada, and is a researcher and author with more than 30 years of experience in health fields, according to the Prime Minister's Office. A professor at the University of Northern British Columbia, Greenwood has focused on Indigenous health and well-being.

She will be sitting as an independent senator, becoming the 63rd independent appointment to the Senate made on Trudeau’s advice, since he enacted an independent advisory board to help advise on Senate appointments.

"Today, I welcome Dr. Margo Greenwood as Parliament’s newest independent senator. Dr. Greenwood’s academic expertise, commitment to health and education, and dedication to the well-being of Indigenous communities will make her a strong voice for British Columbians," Trudeau said in a statement. "I look forward to working with her, and with all senators."