OTTAWA -- Two New Democrats tabled legislation today that would make Canadian companies more accountable for human rights abuses and environmental harms abroad.

NDP MP Peter Julian says Bill C-262 would create legal tools, giving victims of human rights violations by Canadian companies abroad recourse in Canadian courts.

NDP foreign affairs critic Heather McPherson says Bill C-263 would give the corporate responsibility watchdog the power and teeth to investigate wrongdoing by Canadian corporations.

Catherine Coumans, research co-ordinator at MiningWatch Canada, says it is time for the Canadian government to quit stalling and caving to the mining industry lobby, and implement these bills.

The Liberal government appointed the first Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise in 2019.

Some critics say the watchdog was not given the right tools or powers to hold Canadian companies abroad to account.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 29, 2022.


This story was produced with the financial assistance of the Meta and Canadian Press News Fellowship.