The NDP raised nearly $4.5 million in the second quarter, more than any other quarter in its history, according to new numbers released by the party.

In a video posted to Twitter on Thursday, NDP national campaign director Anne McGrath revealed the fundraising numbers one day ahead of Elections Canada’s quarterly financial reports for each federal party.

McGrath said the party raised $4,491,938 in the second quarter, compared to $2.2 million in the first quarter of 2015. She added that more than 48,000 people donated to the party this quarter, another record-breaking number for the party.

“Because of that extraordinary grassroots effort, we are closing the gap with Stephen Harper’s Conservatives. Today’s numbers prove that momentum for change is growing,” said McGrath in the one-minute video.

Each party must submit its second quarter fundraising numbers to Elections Canada by midnight Thursday. The full financial reports are expected to be Friday. 

Here is a full breakdown of each party’s fundraising numbers from the first quarter, ending in March 2015: 

- Conservatives: $6,398,332.79

- Liberals: $4,030,672.77

- NDP: $2,268,604.59

- Green Party: $674,026.71

- Bloc Quebecois: $206,205.23